
Pornography Addiction

Breaking Free from Pornography Addiction

$80/ Session


According to current statistics, the average age in which somebody in America first sees pornography is 12 years old. The Internet has made pornography reachable anywhere at any time, this ease of access makes it difficult to avoid and easy to turn to. Pornography can shift sexual interests, create unrealistic expectations, cause you to dehumanize others, and leave you feeling empty and shameful. Pornography can be so addicting because it taps into a natural desire that all people have and it gives you that dopamine hit your brain is looking for, but deep down you know its not real and it leaves you feeling ashamed.
My goal is to help you better understand the addiction process and why you keep returning to something that you don’t want to, as well as what you can do to reestablish a healthy sexual lifestyle.

Two excellent resources I will use and would highly encourage you to read:

  • Your brain on porn: Internet, pornography in the emerging science of addiction, by Gary Wilson,
  • Out of the shadows, by Patrick Carnes
Image of people using mobile
Image of people using mobile

Acknowledge the problem

The first step in overcoming pornography addiction is to acknowledge that there is a problem. This can be difficult, as many individuals with this addiction may feel ashamed or embarrassed. However, recognizing the issue and seeking help is essential to moving forward.

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